ORCID 0000-0002-8409-7887

Affiliation: Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Warsaw

In the years 1963–1971 studied at the University of Warsaw, obtaining in 1968 a master's degree in law, and in 1971 a master's degree in sociology.
Upon graduation, as of October 1st, 1968, employed as an assistant at the Civil Procedure Department at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Warsaw. He completed an extra-tenure judge training at the Voivodeship Court for the capital city of Warsaw and in 1972 passed the judicial exam.
In 1974, obtained a PhD in legal sciences on the basis of the dissertation "Vindication of Claims in Legal Proceedings under Compulsory Automotive Insurance” (for which he obtained the second prize in the "Państwo i Prawo” competition), and afterwards employed as an assistant professor at the Institute of Civil Law at the University of Warsaw.
In 1981, obtained a postdoctoral degree in civil proceedings for the dissertation entitled "Foreign Law in Civil Judicial Proceedings" (awarded the first prize in the "Państwo i Prawo" competition), and was appointed university reader. In 1987–1990 filled the role of deputy dean at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Warsaw.
In the 1984–1985 academic year, he was a scholarship holder of Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung and completed numerous shorter scientific internships in France, Germany and the Netherlands.
As of 1997, acted as Head of the Department of Civil Proceedings at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Warsaw. In the years 1985–1990, lectured in civil proceedings and private international law at the Catholic University of Lublin.
In 1990 he was appointed associate professor at the University of Warsaw, and in 1991 awarded the academic title of professor of legal sciences. As of 1997, has served as professor of the University of Warsaw. He retired in 2016, but continues to give lectures at the Faculty of Law and Administration. Member of the Provost’s Commission for Promotion to Professorship at the University of Warsaw.
As of 1990, member of the Civil Law Reform Commission of the Minister of Justice, as of 1997, Vice-Chairman of the Civil Law Codification Commission, and from 2011 until December 2016 – the Chairman of this Commission.
By order of the President of the Republic of Poland of October 31st, 1990, appointed to exercise the function of judge of the Supreme Court. He adjudicates in the Civil Chamber.
On November 21st, 1996, appointed the President of the Supreme Court in charge of the proceedings of the Civil Chamber. He held the post until retirement in September 2016.
As of 1997, expert of the European Council, and from 2002 until 2009, on behalf of Poland, member of CEPEJ - European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice. Member of the Committee on Legal Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences in the years 1999–2007.
As of 1991 he has acted as editor-in-chief of the ”Przegląd Sądowy” monthly, while as of 2012 - editor-in-chief of " System Prawa Procesowego Cywilnego ".
Member of numerous national and international scientific associations, including the International Association for Procedural Law. He has actively participated in a large number of conventions and scientific conferences.
Prof. Tadeusz Ereciński’s academic achievement spans over 200 publications in the field of civil proceedings, organization and distribution of justice, arbitration and sociology of law, including: 7 books, over 100 theses and articles, excerpts of joint publications (several in foreign languages), numerous glosses on the rulings of the Supreme Court, as well as the multi-volume “Commentary on the Code of Civil Procedure” (numerous subsequent editions, as of 1997).

List of publications for 2016-2018

1. Kodeks postępowania cywilnego. Komentarz, t. I, II, t. III – Postępowanie rozpoznawcze, t. IV – Postępowanie zabezpieczające, Warszawa 2016 oraz t. VI Międzynarodowe postępowanie cywilne. Sąd polubowny (arbitrażowy), Warszawa 2017, autor komentarza do wielu artykułów oraz redaktor naukowy całości.
2. Niemożność stwierdzenia treści właściwego prawa w postępowaniu sądowym i arbitrażowym [in:] Prawo prywatne i arbitrażowe. Księga jubileuszowa dedykowana doktorowi Maciejowi Tomaszewskiemu, red. J. Poczobut, A. W. Wiśniewski, Warszawa 2016.
3. Co zmienić w regulacji skargi kasacyjnej w sprawach cywilnych, w: Sine ira et studio. Księga jubileuszowa dedykowana Sędziemu Jackowi Gudowskiemu, red. T. Ereciński, P. Grzegorczyk, K. Weitz, Warszawa 2016.
4. Współczesne funkcje Sądu Najwyższego [in:] Minikomentarz dla maksiprofesora. Księga jubileuszowa profesora Leszka Garlickiego, red. M. Zubik, Warszawa 2017.
5. O kilku problemach działalności arbitrażu w Polsce [in:] Z zagadnień prawa procesowego cywilnego, Studia Iuridica, t. 75, Warszawa 2018.
6. Concluding remarks [in:] Judicial Management Versus Independence of Judiciary, ed. D. Szumiło-Kulczycka, K. Gajda-Roszczynialska, Warszawa 2018.
7. Skarga nadzwyczajna w sprawach cywilnych, współautor K. Weitz, „Judicial Review” 2019, nr 2.
8. Sądy gospodarcze w obliczu spodziewanych zmian Kodeksu Postępowania Cywilnego [in:] Honeste Procedere. Księga jubileuszowa dedykowana Profesorowi Kazimierzowi Lubińskiemu, red. A. Laskowska-Hulisz, J. May, M. Mrówczyński, Warszawa 2017.

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